
What is a black hole? How It forms?

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  • Reading time:4 mins read

Let’s See What is a black hole and How It forms?
A black hole is a region of space-time where gravity is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape from it.
It is composed when a massive object, such as a star, collapses under its own gravity, compressing all its mass into an infinitely small point called a singularity.

The reason why objects orbit around a black hole is due to its massive gravitational pull. The gravitational force of a black hole is so strong that it affects the space-time around it, causing it to bend and warp. This distortion of space-time creates a curved path for objects that are close enough to the black hole, forcing them to follow an orbit around it. I hope you understood What is a black hole? you should also know How It forms?

Furthermore, the closer an object is to the black hole, the stronger the gravitational force it experiences. As a result, the object’s orbit becomes more elliptical, with the object moving faster as it gets closer to the black hole and slower as it moves away from it.

Therefore, all objects orbit a black hole because of its massive gravitational pull and the resulting distortion of space-time that it creates.

Moreover, what is an accretion disk?

It’s a disklike flow of gas, plasma, dust, or particles around any astronomical thing in which the material orbiting in the gravitational field of the object loses energy and angular momentum as it slowly spirals inward.

— How & Why black hole forms?

An accretion disk forms whenever the matter being accreted possesses enough rotational or angular momentum that it can barely fall inward toward the accretor along a straight line.

Similarly, how do black holes form?

You have known what is a black hole? Now see Why black hole forms?
To understand how a black hole might be formed, we first need an understanding of the life cycle of a star. Although it’s very long details to mention here, somehow settler black holes are made when the centre of a very big star falls in upon itself or collapses. When this happens, it causes a supernova. A supernova is an exploding star that blasts part of the star into space. Scientists think supermassive black holes were made at the same time as the galaxy they are in

And What’s Event Horizon?

Event Horizon is the boundary of a black hole where nothing can escape, not even light.

What is hawking radiation?

These radiations are theoretically poured out from just outside the event horizon of a black hole.

Additionally, Stephen W. Hawking proposed in 1974 that subatomic particle pairs (photons, neutrinos, and some massive particles) arising naturally near the event horizon may result in one particle’s escaping the boundary of the black hole while the other particle, of negative energy, disappears into it. The progression of particles of negative energy into the black hole reduces its mass until it vanishes completely in a final burst of radiation.


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What is a black hole? How It forms?
Illustration credits: FECYT, IAC

